Rhiz means Root.

Root systems are connected networks that collaboratively share information and resources to generate value for their ecosystem.  

We seek the same.



We source or generate investments, ideas, intelligence, and projects that we can uniquely improve by leveraging our team and ecosystem experience, relationships, information, or other competitive advantages to generate value for all.


We seek teams, people, projects, data, and technology that create or improve


Job Opportunities

Information and Education

Access to valuable Relationships, Capital, and Information

Investment & Ideas

Develop public-private or strategic partnerships to further investment and community development

Equity investment, joint ventures, & partnerships with teams at any stage where we see mutual value creation

Match entrepreneurs with sourced and/or incubated business, investment, or project ideas

Intelligence Advisory

“We Understand Complex.
Deliver Simple”

We provide intelligence products and advisory services with a particular focus on:

Team Building and Operational Improvement

Relationship Capital Strategy

Transparency & Due Diligence

Market Research & Growth Ideas

Story Building and Operational Alignment

Public investment and incentive programs

Private investment strategy

Valuations (Regulatory, Financial, ESG, etc.)


Our team draws on its experience and network of investment, energy, intelligence, political, policy, and regulatory professionals in the public and private sectors throughout the world.